Don't be afraid to say 'No'

Something very pivotal took place in my life this weekend and I feel it is relevent to share it with you guys...

Last month I made the decision to leave my job in London and move back in with my parents (a terrifying ordeal for any 20-something year old) and although 100% the right decision for me, it didn't come easy. Moving away from my boyfriend has been difficult and as we approach the three week mark, it's certainly not getting any easier.


I saw myself at the receiving end of a potential job opportunity, presenting me with the chance for moving back in with him sooner than expected and instantly, I was excited! I text my friends, I told my parents, hell, even I even started packing my bags (okay, that was lie. I didn't go that far)! But you get the point...

So there I was, faced with this proposition and then all of a sudden, it hit me!

I don't want this.

What the hell am I doing?

I made a promise to myself that I would follow my dream and use this break as an opportunity to prepare my three books for publication. Doing that whilst balancing a full time job would be near enough impossible, so what did I do?

I simply said no.

Calling my boyfriend, I was nervous about what he might say but low and behold, he encouraged me to stick to my intended plan and (in his words, not mine) become the best damn romance author ever!

So there we have it guys...

With the firm instruction well and truly underway, I am close to finalising the first draft of 'My Not So One Night Stand' and I cannot wait to share the new & improved book with you. Never be afraid to turn down an opportunity that's no right for you and if you have a dream that you're truly passionate about, do anything and everything to make it happen!



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